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Ivy Kids Kit - Penguin and Pinecone
Ivy Kids Kit - Penguin and Pinecone
In December's Ivy Kids Kit, featuring the heartwarming book Penguin and Pinecone by Salina Yoon you will find:
- The book Penguin and Pinecone by Salina Yoon
- Read along Bookmark: Use to assist with reading comprehension.
- Story Retelling: Use the plush Penguin, pine cone, sled, pine tree and other materials provided to retell the story of Penguin and Pinecone. Use the orange felt to make scarves for the pinecone and pine tree, just like Penguin did in the story.
- Decorating Your Pine Cone: Use glitter glue, mini colored pom-poms, and paint to decorate your pine cones.
- Paper Bag Penguin: Create your own penguin by gluing the body parts and accessories to the front of the paper bag. Trace your hands to make the penguin's feet.
- Feed the Penguin: Roll the dice and feed the penguin that number of fish. See if you can toss the fish into the paper bag penguin!
- Penguin Walk: Wind up the penguin toy and place it on one of the literacy boards. Let the penguin walk around the board until it stops on a square. Name the letter and letter sound on the square that the penguin lands on.
- Penguin's Journey: Players take turns rolling the die and moving their penguins along the snowy path, collecting fish along the way. Game continues until all the penguins reach the forest.
- Five in a Row Penguin Bingo: Players take turns rolling the die (dice) and stamping the penguin on the bingo sheet displaying that number. Players continue taking turns rolling the die (dice) and stamping the sheets until one player stamps 5 penguins in a row. Players have a choice of playing with a bingo board with numbers 1-6 or numbers 2-12.
- Snowflake Mobile: Lace snowflakes to create a beautiful mobile to hang in your home.
- Pine Cone Observation and Experimentation: Use your sense of touch, sight, and smell to examine and explore the Loblolly pine cones included in this month's kit. Plus learn interesting facts about pine trees and pine cones.
- Pine Cone Experiment: What happens when pine cones get wet? How do pine cones protect seeds? Use your observation sheets to record your findings.
- Plant a Pine Tree: Grow a Loblolly Pine Tree seedling with the seeds, pot, and soil provided.
Your Kit includes a guide for each activity to help promote your child’s learning while you play together.
At Ivy Kids, we know that every child is unique. In your guide, you will find tips to
modify each game based on the age and development of your child.